Nagarbhavi. Strawberry Fields. Legala. Amma's. Aishwarya Bakery. Rohini. Surya Terrace. Wine Ocean. Projects. EMC. LnD. DisCo. SDGM. Jagannath Iyer. Spiritus. Moot Courts. JayGo. Lizzy. Nandi the Mutt. Sudhir. If any of these sound familiar, we might be friends yet.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sussegado Slumber.

Yes, we have gone off air. Wooohoo.

There is only so much fun we can have. And now we must return to the old ways. And blog to vent out all that pent up frustration. And to think, I am not even one-tenth as frustrated as some others. Oh, I am so naughty.

Anyway, the past one month has been the most amazing I have ever had. Ever. Life has been fenitastic. If you know what I mean. :)

So, because it's only courtesy and all (and because I actually found a net cafe here that isn't filled with balding paedophiles), Welcome Back.

For some special reader(s):
Oh, and by the way, my darling, I couldn't care less why you want to read the blog. Yes, maybe you're bored, maybe you can't think of anything else to do. Frankly, my dear, I couldn't care less. As I see it, either way - for whatever reasons - you want to read it. Justify yourself to yourself. Cus I am the patron saint of base intentions.