Nagarbhavi. Strawberry Fields. Legala. Amma's. Aishwarya Bakery. Rohini. Surya Terrace. Wine Ocean. Projects. EMC. LnD. DisCo. SDGM. Jagannath Iyer. Spiritus. Moot Courts. JayGo. Lizzy. Nandi the Mutt. Sudhir. If any of these sound familiar, we might be friends yet.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Do Not Read.

Why are enthu cutlets called enthu cutlets? I think that phrase is an insult, right under the belt, to everything in the English language. It makes me want to retch.
Please please do not use enthu cutlet to describe anything. Not even first years. Heh. I'll tell you why.
a) Enthu is just such an ill sounding contraction of the word enthusiasm; which, by itself, is not that great a word to begin with. (I have favourite words too; I think satisfaction is an incredible word, with high coming a close second. My roomie's favourite word is whimsy; just like her)
b) What is the logic behind calling a first year a cutlet? What, in the world, is the connection?
Anyway, this blog is largely becoming increasingly personal and therefore, boring me.
Worry not, though. I mean to keep this blog as impersonal and im-private as possible. This blog is not about me. It's about you. Ugh. Ok, it's about the weird things that happen in Law School. So you can be entertained. Do not, for a minute, think that I labour under the delusion that this blog entertains anybody. But it does, you must agree, provide for some amusement when a day before term paper submission (it sounds so much cooler to say term papers), when you haven't started typing (you notice this distinction between typing and research that some folks have? It drives me crazy. I mean, they'll ask me, Have you started? knowing me and knowing fully well that I haven't. Then, they'll ask me Typing? Or research? Wtf! I do both together dammit, and no, I haven't started either.), then this blog is one of the things you can read. Alternatively, you can just work on your term paper; but if you're the kind who does that, you're probably not reading this blog anyway.
But, at the end of the day, you got to admit, that this is my blog. And, I am free to post whatever-the-goddamned-hell I want to. Even if it is the trashiest piece of English prose there ever was.
Like this one.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes that phrase.never understood it..who the hell come up with that sorta crap...

Anonymous said...

Hehe... I, for one, am still groping in the dark. :)

Igirit said...

Uhuh, uhuh. Wrong again. I don't know why you think whoever you think I am. I am not.

Gautam -
In four years time.

Vipul Nanda said...

You still don't know who I think you are. Your dealings with our mutual friend make your identity clear.

Igirit said...

Arawn -

Why, why does me being who I am matter so much?

Vipul Nanda said...

It DOESN'T. I didn't actively try to find out. It got pointed out to me by our friend, and I can't help but know. I gave up bothering about who you were quite a while back, but it doesn't matter even if I know. Its not like I'm going and telling people; but why does it matter to you that people don't know who you are?

Igirit said...

Simply because this is meant to be an anonymous blog. Let us talk no more about this. Thank you.

Vipul Nanda said...

I will, if you stop calling me arrogant. :-)

Kidding. It's okay. Just a little pissed about not being told.

Bleh. It's okay.

Igirit said...

I will change the arrogant bit, you deserve that much.

Thank you, again. :)

Vipul Nanda said...

You haven't changed it yet ... and you might want to update the 'Shrill Second Year' bit. :-D

Igirit said...

Arawn -

I will. As soon as I think of a decent enough moniker.

Not changing Shrill Second Year. I like constancy.

Shiny Butter Knife said...

Enthu cutlets? First years? Uhh...well, perhaps first years are...cut...into...lets...forget it, I can't think of a connection. But while we're at it, why not call the seniors stalers? If first years can be freshers...

Igirit said...

Seniors just get fresher. Don't go stale. Lol. I need to know more about you.