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Friday, June 01, 2007

It Makes Me Wonder.

Indian Courts and their judgments.

How many people in Law School would get that warrant for the same reason as those two did?




Anonymous said...

First year.
Posted in the library between 5:30 and 6:00 today.

We have you now.

Igirit said...

Way to go, Poirot!

I tell you. Again. Some people will never cease to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

nice blog.

Anonymous said...

it's quite amusing to see this investigation of this poor girl... let her exercise her right to freedom of speech and privacy in peace!!

Igirit said...


I hail thee. You are super.

Anonymous said...

As an interesting aside, you should know that Shankara Reddy said that the actions of the judge in the Gere-Shetty situation were patently ridiculous. Considering the fact that Shankara's a cranky 80 year old professor who also happens to head our oh-so-cute-and-friendly DARIC, its a rather straight forward assessment of how stupid the entire warrant issuance was.

Igirit said...

The man has changed his mind about moral pollution? Whatever happened?!

Anonymous said...

that was chintu and not shankara!

Igirit said...

Oh. Ok.
I wouldn't know. I ain't up to date with this kinda thing.

Vipul Nanda said...

The whole Gere-Shetty thing has been blown up because Gere isn't Indian. They wouldn't talk about Indian values if they were shown any number of Indian movies which can be extremely provocative in nature.

And, well, as the article you linked to quoted someone saying they'd have to arrest thousands of people. And far too many in Law School ...

Should I watch out for the sirens, then?

Igirit said...

Oh yes, Arawn, the next warrant is coming for you.