Nagarbhavi. Strawberry Fields. Legala. Amma's. Aishwarya Bakery. Rohini. Surya Terrace. Wine Ocean. Projects. EMC. LnD. DisCo. SDGM. Jagannath Iyer. Spiritus. Moot Courts. JayGo. Lizzy. Nandi the Mutt. Sudhir. If any of these sound familiar, we might be friends yet.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Another convocation has come and gone. And, I’m still here.

All the glitz, the glamour, the joy in the faces of 80 individuals adorned in their beautiful gowns and throwing the caps in the air.

I’ve always wondered what throwing them up was supposed to signify. That is to say, what’s the symbolism? And then when I watched them throw it up in the air, carefree – not worrying about whether it will come back to them or not – to just throw something into the air like that without object, to throw everything behind you and to throw to new beginnings, I figured it was just that- letting go.

It was a happy occasion and it will always remind me of when faces light up, when smiles are for everyone, when everything you have lived for the past five years becomes just that – the past, when hands are shaken, when tears are shed, when medals are won (and dropped), when cheers are given, when degrees are acquired and when the future becomes the present.

On my convocation, one cap will be thrown higher up than anybody else’s. Mine.

I will be the happiest person in the auditorium that day. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Who Let the Dogs Out?

When it becomes a trade-off between me and the dogs, I am sorry to say – much to the chagrin of all the canine lovers in this campus – that I must and will choose myself. So must you.

I don’t have an issue with the dogs, really. I find them quite amusing, in fact. I am used to dogs; have one at home, have had several of them roaming in and around the classes of where I studied previously. Looking back, over there the classes were more or less incomplete without a dog or two wagging its tail next to the teacher’s desk. Of course, I didn’t live on campus; so we can’t draw analogies. Yes, I am also all for the dog is a man’s best friend and all of that. At a purely fundamental level, I have no issues with the concept of dogs - it's the conception that I wish to address.

The dogs become a cause for concern when they aren’t what regular clean healthy dogs are.
Our dogs are not clean. Check.
Our dogs randomly get into dog fights. Check.
Our dogs bite arbitrarily. Check.
Our dogs create huge problems during events like quad parties, EMDs, WMDs, blah. Check.
Our dogs aren’t safe to have around. Check.
And, why exactly are they our dogs, anyway?

I don’t know if this is or is not normal dog behaviour. I couldn’t care less. If we can’t get the dogs to behave, we keep them at bay. If we can’t teach them that students, faculty and other staff are not for them to attack and harm, we keep the dogs away. And since we obviously cannot do in any period of time what nature hasn’t done in eternity – teaching dogs human decorum – maybe we need to kick them out. I want to be able to walk back to hostel without having to worry about whether or not that dog which is giving me a menacing look and growling ominously is going to bite me in the next instant. I am entitled to that much, if nothing else.

If you’re a dog lover and you can think of any other plausible solution to getting these dogs to behave (and maybe take a bath or two), you are more than welcome to implement it. If you love dogs so much, keep them in your room. Take them home with you. I don’t know. Anything.

I like dogs. I know. I understand. They need a place to live too; just like us.

But not in my campus. This is where I live.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Toast... new beginnings...

As a certain special someone often says to me and others, If they can make penicillin out of bread mould, they're bound to make something out of me.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Power Relationships. Argh.

It became very clear to me sitting out there today that every decision I've made in my entire life has been wrong. My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat - it's all been wrong.

-- George Louis Costanza, Seinfeld

Yes, this IS dedicated to you. And, it expresses what I'm feeling right now oh-so-beautifully.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Preventive Retention.

So, what with all the passionate speeches, vocal outbursts and comparisons to banana leaves (that was some analogy, though, wasn’t it?), I am slowly getting converted. I am seriously considering becoming a feminist. Ideally, I’d just like to become a Mal Syrian Christian Blue Eyed Boy; but since I ain’t one by default, and also because a change in ideology is much easier than a sex change, I think I’ll stick to altering my orientation. In thought, that is.

That is not to say that I am a male chauvinist now. Or not. I mean, mostly, I don’t really care. It’s funny when I think about how little I care. (and just to prove my point, she here cares) About people, issues, ideologies; and all that. I used to, you know. A lot. There used to be a time when I had a perspective on everything (I still do – that I don’t care). There used to be a phase when I’d attend meetings and speak at discussions. So, as usual, I was pretending to read A. K. Gopalan (oh, and that reminds me, there have been some very funny blog-worthy happenings with regard to the whole study group fiasco; but I don’t care enough to write about it)(see what I mean?); yes, so anyway I was attempting to try and scale myself through over 100 pages of I-don’t-give-a-f-what; and then I thought : Whoa, I’ve become such a cynic. Yes, I have transformed into some sort of reckless, thoughtless, cynical, bored bitch. And we all know who/what/ where is responsible for this. For wrecking all our lives.

Law school. Sometimes I meet an ex-law schoolite, and they say they’re from here, and I look at them with pity and say, Aw, you poor thing.

So, anyway, here I am; a day before the exam that I don’t really care enough about (I talk too much, I shall be my own undoing) blaming law school for making me not care enough. Circular argument, perhaps. But I don’t care. Which brings us back to where I started, anyway.

You might have noticed that this blog isn’t what it used to be. I miss it, too. Assuming, of course, that you do. And come on, some of you do do. Don’t you? So, I was also thinking about why this place isn’t what it used to be, and why I’ve taken to writing the sentimental tosh that I do; and now I should shut up, or I’ll talk too much again. So yeah, it’s just that this was where I came to amuse myself. And lash out at the world, in general.

I have, however, made peace with this place now. I bitch less, and try to pretend to study more. This blog has become largely redundant in its original agenda – amusing me. (and not you) But every time I want to wrap it up, they'll says something amusing like I know there are porn maniacs in this class; and I just crack up. And the world seems like a funnier place.

Anyway, the idea is: I blame this place less now. I’d like to take responsibility for myself. I still maintain that this place is all that I said here. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that four years down the lane I’ll have Her keeping a tab on me and I’ll be corporate whore-ing myself. And, I’d like to have something to show. I mean, at the end of it all, when they ask me what I got; I can’t show them one measley little bitchy blog, can I? (alternatively, I could just go to work for Midday)

So, there. I’m going to write a couple of posts about how law school is the most wonderful thing that happened to the world. After me.
I’ll try, in any case.

Sigh. It used to be fun to blame this place.

PS: I’m just getting into the groove. I promise, we’ll be back on Bitch Central soon enough.
PPS: Crew Cut smiled at me today. I am so thrilled.
PPPS: Oh, and someone compared this to
that. I am very flattered. Thank you. :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007


WE, ladies and gentlemen, are back in business!
This renaissance post is dedicated to Sherlock Holmes – anonymous commenter, fellow italics lover, pet subject reading list maker and one of my favouritest readers. Thank you. :)

Nobody knows what’s up with him,
He’s treating the course like nobody’s whim.
Will he lecture us or not?
With doubt, we are fraught
And the passing grade looks rather dim.
Wow. I hadn't realised how much I miss this.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sorrow Floats.

There really is a lot I want to be saying here right now; but projects beckon. Bear with me; and keep visiting. Meanwhile, study hard, make good projects ,and read your cases and articles.
I love you all. And, it's a beautiful beautiful world.
Keep passing the open windows. Like the King of Mice wrote before he jumped off one, LIFE IS SERIOUS BUT ART IS FUN.
You're right, This blog just gets randomer by the day.