Nagarbhavi. Strawberry Fields. Legala. Amma's. Aishwarya Bakery. Rohini. Surya Terrace. Wine Ocean. Projects. EMC. LnD. DisCo. SDGM. Jagannath Iyer. Spiritus. Moot Courts. JayGo. Lizzy. Nandi the Mutt. Sudhir. If any of these sound familiar, we might be friends yet.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Here, there, and Everywhere.

What is with running into law schoolites everywhere?

Like, everywhere.

We are, what? Four hundred odd people, yes?

Isn’t it just frustrating that you can’t spend a weekend in town without running into one of these four hundred in a 6, 520, 000 strong city?

That reminds me. Were you one of those who set out to frighten the already frightened prospective juniors who swarmed the place today?

Cus there were a LOT of jobless folks who were upto that.

Oh, and I am starting A-Limerick-A-Day for the classmates I love (and don't). No, in fact, I just might extend it to the whole of law school. Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

Well, if you're on Brigade or one of the familiar haunts, there's a pretty good chance that some other law schoolites would also have chosen to pick the same haunt for their weekend stroll.

Igirit said...

You're soulless.
And, you're a clod.


Anonymous said...

Sparkling wit.

Igirit said...

Why, thank you.