Nagarbhavi. Strawberry Fields. Legala. Amma's. Aishwarya Bakery. Rohini. Surya Terrace. Wine Ocean. Projects. EMC. LnD. DisCo. SDGM. Jagannath Iyer. Spiritus. Moot Courts. JayGo. Lizzy. Nandi the Mutt. Sudhir. If any of these sound familiar, we might be friends yet.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Dark Side of Western Europe

Now that Switcheroo Sinha has finally made up her mind about The Boy who Jumped, it leads us to wonder whether this isn’t one of those transient trips again. I mean, variety is the spice of life and all that; but some constancy, I think, is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and hey, a troublesome two isn’t exactly what you would call variety, is it?

So, recently, I happened to chance upon this little explosion of sorts. Not too big; but you know how it is, little things get put under the glass here in Nagarbhavi. So the subject of this explosion was something that has been on my mind for quite a while. Not for too long a while though, it really isn’t the sort of thing that merits my attention that much. Or yours, for that matter.

It is this little matter of Politics. Now, I love Politics. I enjoy Politics. To be quite honest, I thrive on Politics. If you know me at all, you’ll know I’m not kidding (the real national sort, though). So this particular Political fiasco concerns that lovely little association of such lovable individuals who pride themselves on being called the Extremely Manipulative Culls (I did think of other expansions; but I like to think that this is a family blog). They are, in popular media, also called “the committee to be in” committee EMC. Sometimes, they put up silly notices acting in consonance with their extreme silliness; and tend to call themselves Execrable Mental Something. They also tend to think it’s funny. They need to be told that it is not.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not the ABC sorts. The only committee I’d ever want to be on is DisCo. And, apparently, they don’t take applications for membership. (Membership in the DisCo is through some classified channel wherein the applicants are made to go through torturous tests. Now you know why they all look so traumatized.)

Anyway, coming back to the original topic we are considering here; I was told with great passion and sincerity by a very reliable source that the Extremely Manipulative Culls is lost in the quagmire of petty Politics and manipulation. This committee, the source told me, is the biggest caricature of all that is law schoolite-ish about us all – the stupid, irrelevant, petty, hateful little games that I have seen people here play.

It was quite confusing, to be honest. I was told that the A hates B and B hates C (or was it D?) who, in fact, hates E -who happens to be A, anyway. Then there’s F who hates all A, B, C and D; and the compliment is more than returned. (A, B, C, D, E and F are all committee members, for the uninitiated) Amidst all that, somebody resigned so that somebody else could get in; but then somebody else got pissed off- so somebody else went and cried away to altogether somebody else. In short, they are one messed up committee. (On that note, I must state that GWC is one of the best committees we have; and that they should be made an ABC. Three cheers for Divya D., Surabhi Shukla and Swati Ramnath)(till they have been given monikers).

Anyway, the point is: what does this “the committee to be in” committee do, anyway? I mean, yes, they do do a lot of work; but why is EMC accorded the kind of stature that no other committees are given? Where I come from, the analogous committee did a much much MUCH better job; and none of this Politicization existed. Of course, that would be taking it too far; all committees have Politics; but at least they didn’t have these exhibitions of unbelievably bad humour.

Don’t get me wrong, here. I think the EMC does a reasonably good job; and I am hardly placed to judge. I am going to judge, in any case. Like an EMC member and one of my favouritest people here told me, I like judging. It’s fun!

What prompted me to make this post, while connected to EMC, has not been stated yet. So, I see these notices asking for applications, with minimum point requirements, whetting and all that yada yada. I also see a lot of people applying for it. A classmate of mine has a xerox of the sheet with all her various achievements listed (inclusive of the food she served when she volunteered with FnB) which she has gotten vetted. She always has the copy with her in her bag. You never know which committee will ask for FnB applications and when. Best to be prepared. (also, is anybody in the FnB clan dating the owner of Nizam’s? Why are they always there?)

I have a terrible habit of digression. Anyway, coming back to the whole invitation for applications, I was told that it’s all a big scam. It’s all pre-planned; and none of it amounts to anything. Or nothing. I mean, we all know it’s a big scam; but there is something about putting it down there, yeah? Also, I don’t have any issues with it being a scam; because it isn’t DisCo and so I don’t care, but my point is: if it is a scam, and we all know it is a scam and you all know it is a scam, and generally, it’s one of those things everyone knows is a scam, then why bother scamming at all? Such a waste of effort, resources, and such opportunities for the unsightly display of their painfully bad humour. Also, since we all know it’s a scam, why bother applying at all? Really, what is the point of it all? I just don’t get it, sometimes. The World and its Ways.

Meanwhile, Sports Comm too; having seen that their brothers (and sisters) of the Extremely Manipulative Culls clan, has taken to posting notices in what they believe is, and I am led to believe they believe, good humour. I mean, seriously, was that bit about NLS SC 07 being a citation for their committee meant to be funny? No, I’m seriously asking. I need to know. It’s biological.

There. That feels so good.

!!! Attention: Ex Law Schoolites !!!
Sorry, folks. Too late. Candy shop closed.

!!! Attention: Law Schoolites !!!
You’d think ex law schoolites are busy with high end well paid jobs. Apparently, not. Kind of makes me wonder about my future.


Anonymous said...

You know this blog is really good. I mean the author writes [i]really[/i] well.

Igirit said...


Thank you very very much. :)
If I flunk out of law school, I know Midday will take me.
(Is that you, CC?)

Anonymous said...

bcoz we like to pretend that we r democratic...

-emc member

Anonymous said...

try doing some work before you talk.

Igirit said...

Oh. Look! EMC strikes back. :D

aandthirtyeights said...

Hey, honestly, we aren't that bad - at least we weren't when I was on it!

Igirit said...

Things just get worse. And worse.

Igirit said...

And they give a whole new dimension to the word democratic.

Anonymous said...

i just wrote a long comment defending the EMC, but the net went off... sigh, guess it wasnt meant to be...

Igirit said...

Aw. I'd have loved to hear your defence.
Too bad sheer luck failed you.

A ditty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A ditty said...

nice post!! loved it.

Igirit said...

Thank you very much, and all that.

Though I wonder why you deleted the earlier comment.

Politics, maybe? >:)