Nagarbhavi. Strawberry Fields. Legala. Amma's. Aishwarya Bakery. Rohini. Surya Terrace. Wine Ocean. Projects. EMC. LnD. DisCo. SDGM. Jagannath Iyer. Spiritus. Moot Courts. JayGo. Lizzy. Nandi the Mutt. Sudhir. If any of these sound familiar, we might be friends yet.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


All through the night, your glorious eyes
Were gazing down in mine,
And, with a full heart's thankful sighs,
I blessed that watch divine.

I was at peace, and drank your beams
As they were life to me;
And revelled in my changeful dreams,
Like petrel on the sea.

Thought followed thought, star followed star,
Through boundless regions, on;
While one sweet influence, near and far,
Thrilled through, and proved us one!

- Emily Bronte, Stars


Anonymous said...

pls bring bak alad

Igirit said...

Will do. Soon.

Anonymous said...

i no who u r, n i think ur very sexy!

Igirit said...

Lol. If you do know who I am, thank you. :)

You are sexy too.

Vipul Nanda said...


You're bringing sexy back.

Our common friend now likes you.

Igirit said...

Arawn -

I'm bringing sexy back?

I like our common friend too. Very very much.

Anonymous said...

A Slightly corny poem dont you think? I wonder who it might pertain to. This is you-know-who speaking.

Igirit said...

You, you-know-who, think too much of yourself. You also seem to think everything pertains to you. You may not be far off the mark; but whatever. Mwah.